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Cartilage Case of the Month - KM

Cartilage Case of the Month - KM

15-year-old female high school basketball player developed left knee pain, swelling and mechanical symptoms in February 2018

Evaluated by local orthopedic surgeon

Cartilage Case of the Month - KM

Cartilage Case of the Month - KM

Cartilage Case of the Month - KM

Cartilage Case of the Month - KM


Treated nonoperatively with crutches/restricted weightbearing x 3 months

PT for ROM/strengthening

Cartilage Case of the Month - KM


December 2018 – Left Knee Arthroscopy with In-Situ Fixation of OCD with biocompression screws

Cartilage Case of the Month - KM

Cartilage Case of the Month - KM

Cartilage Case of the Month - KM

Cartilage Case of the Month - KM

Cartilage Case of the Month - KM


Remains symptomatic and functionally limited

Referred in for evaluation and treatment

Cartilage Case of the Month - KM


What would you have done differently with respect to initial treatment?

Are there any indications for second attempt at ORIF?


  • Snowman vs BioUni?
  • How deep do you ream?
  • Bone graft?
  • Soak plug BMAC/PRP
  • Compression screws?

Cartilage Case of the Month - KM

Cartilage Case of the Month - KM

Cartilage Case of the Month - KM

Cartilage Case of the Month - KM

Our Sponsors
  • JRF Orhto
  • Vericel Corporation
  • Vericel Corporation